Cathy Powers, Friends of Brisbane Ranges
The workshop was attended by 21 people and there were presentations from three Friends groups; the Werribee Riverkeeper; Brimbank Council and DELWP. The presentations addressed the theme of biodiversity and the focus of the workshop was to explore ideas about what Friends groups can do to improve biodiversity.
The workshop commenced with Wurundjeri Elder, Aunty Diane Kerr reminding participants of the long history of Aboriginal stewardship of the land and their connectedness across time and landscapes. Aunty Dianne finished her talk with a “Welcome you from the tops of the trees to the roots in the ground.”
Each of the three Friends groups spoke about the history of their group and their experiences of working on their area. These presentations were complemented by talks from the Werribee Riverkeeper; Brimbank City Council; DELWP about its programs and grants that support biodiversity and a special presentation about bats. VEFN is grateful for the involvement of all of the speakers who contributed to a successful day.
A report of the Brimbank workshop can be found here.