Thank you to everyone who came along to our AGM last Saturday. We are pleased to announce that Anthony Bigelow from First Friends of Dandenong Creek has stepped forward to be our new Convenor with Laura Mumaw as Deputy Convenor. There are still opportunities to join the committee if you wish to participate or know of someone who could contribute their expertise and knowledge to helping Friends Groups achieve their environmental goals.
Attendees at the meeting enjoyed the presentation by Dr Ben Rossiter who provided a background into Victoria Walks and connections with local Friends Groups who are using the Walking Map website to showcase their areas.

Left to right: Dr Ben Rossiter, Laura Mumaw and Anthony Bigelow
The new committee is as follows:
- Convenor: Anthony Bigelow
- Deputy Convenor: Laura Mumaw
- Secretary: Margaret Hunter
- Treasurer: Roger Parker
- Committee members: Graham Ross, Judith Baldacchino, Andrew Lucus
The Minutes and Activity Report are linked below.